Thursday, June 4, 2009

Traditional Water Sources

Since moving to Dodoma in April, a great deal of our time has been spent traveling to area villages to look at broken water pumps to determine what can be done to repair or replace them. The rainy season came to an end in May, so the water tables are at a good level in many of the areas, however, by November the situation will be difficult for many villages.

Pumps, whether they are electric or manual provide clean water to communities. When pumps break down, people revert to the older traditional methods of retrieving water.

Digging by hand can sometimes yield small amounts of water which accumulate slowly. Cups are used to dip the water into buckets to be carried back for home use. Often animals are brought to drink directly from this small accumulation.

Water seepage in a river bed

Water seepage near a field

Water seepage from a rock bed beside a road
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