Thursday, June 18, 2009

Punguza Bei

All of our fruit, vegetables, beans, rice, and flour are purchased in the local "sokoni" (market). Year round staples include a variety of beans, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, and bell pepper. The availability of fruit will vary with the season, but allows great choices of mango, papaya, banana, oranges, and pineapple.

PUNGUZA BEI means "lower the price". In Tanzania, we have the custom of negotiating prices. I have found you always negotiate the price and then ask for a "discounti", which consists of extra of whatever you are buying. Pricing, however, is discriminatory depending on if you are "wazungu" or Tanzanian. The wazungu price is always higher, but still cannot compare with the prices we pay in the States. I am still shocked when I see what I can buy for $5.


One item I have a difficult time asking for a lower price is the price of avocados. The avocados here are huge and flavorful.....and only cost about 30 cents each. Such a treat............

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