Tuesday, September 30, 2008

OMEGA-Team Bailey Day 1 - Work

The team woke early and was eager to head up Mt. Meru to the community of Sambasha. OMEGA teams have developed a strong relationship over the past several years assisting the community in the building of both their church and education facilities for their children.

The team had no hesitation of getting work started immediately and began the day by loading and hauling countless wheel-barrows full of pumice rock to lay as base over which the new concrete floor will be poured.

Help came from all ages as the workers enjoyed teaching some of the team members to count in Kiswahili from 1-5: moja, mbili, tatu, nne, tano.
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1 comment:

Debbie said...

I hope the wall in the background stays open. The view of Mt. Meru is worship to me!