Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Reality Bites

Although, I have been posting some funny things on the blog, I never want to take for granted the more serious side of living in a 3rd world country. Things you can't photograph....many things you can't even express, and an infinite number of things you can't "fix".

* The devastation of an already meager corn crop by elephants looking for food
* A 3 year old boy sent to boarding school. His mother had AIDS, his father doesn't want him.
* The same little boy sick with the fever from malaria and a mommy not there to comfort him
* Women accepting that being beaten by their husbands is a way of life
* Sharing the same husband (good or bad) with numerous other wives
* Families suffering from upper respiratory problems because their mud hut is not ventilated to allow smoke to escape from their home
* Children herding cattle rather being schooled
* 400 children, 4 classrooms, 4 teachers
* Walking to school being dangerous, because of real predators (leopards, hyena, babboon)
* The acceptance that "surgical procedures" are nearly usually a "death sentence"
* Women/children walking miles for a bucket of water
* Those same women making you a cup of tea with the same water
* Flies lighting, un-noticed, on a child's face (usually near the eyes or nose)
* A 12 year old girl given in marriage by her father to a much older man
* A mother's desperate search to get her "special needs" child help
* The public's perception of people with "special needs"
* The belief that witchdoctors are the answer
We Americans take so very much for granted and then we think we should have more. Do you wonder if you could make a difference?


Tom said...

Love the blog.......and happy anniversary!!

Mrs. Joyce said...

You two bless me! Love to you.