Saturday, May 8, 2010

Proclaimer--Faith Comes by Hearing

Before we left the states in January, Barry Cowart, from Muleshoe, contacted us and said he wanted us to take a look at something and see if it is something we wanted to bring back to Tanzania. It was a Proclaimer, developed by Faith Comes By Hearing( , an MP3 player loaded only with the New Kiswahili. It is a dramatized version and not just reading and can be charged by electricity, a solar panel, or by winding it up. Well, of course, we thought it would be a great tool, but the hardest part was deciding where to place the 3 units.

The first unit, we gave to the Safina Street Network, which ministers to street children. They place it in their eating area and play it while the kids are eating their daily meal.

Earlier last year, we had the privilege of replacing a pump at the Buigiri Blind Rehabilitation Center for Adults. The pastor gathered everyone together, with Unit #2 in hand, and they listened, spellbound, to the Proclaimer, amazed at "the talking Book".

Unit #3 is multi-purpose. We have placed it in the work area and turned it on while working on pump repairs. Our houselady, Emmi, excitedly turns it on each day (and I might say loudly) for the listening pleasure of herself and the watchman, thrilled that our home is being filled with the Word of God. She takes it to her home on the weekends and said the radios blaring in the surrounding homes are silenced as everyone near can hear the Word PROCLAIMED.

Thank you Barry Cowart for connecting us with "Faith Comes by Hearing"

"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" (Romans 10:17 NKJV)

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