Sunday, May 24, 2009

From Texas to Tanzania----THE WORD

Before we returned to Tanzania earlier this year, friends from Aldersgate, our home church in Lubbock, Texas, responded to a request to help purchase 1000 Bibles to be distributed at water project sites. So many were excited to be able to make a contribution, resulting in enough money to purchase 1300 Bibles in the Kiswahili language.

After placing the order 4 months ago, we were able to finally pick up the order this past week. This picture was taken after 1/2 of the boxes were unloaded.

Thomas, our "watchman", worked hard unloading the boxes. When we finished, Ed gave him a Bible. He was thrilled and in his broken English expressed that "Jesus is the light of my I can show others the Word of God".

Thank you Aldersgate.
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