Monday, May 25, 2009

Five Months In Coming

When we left the states in late January, we knew this year would be the beginning of our involvement in water projects in Tanzania. This entailed getting things tied up in Babati, making the move to Dodoma, getting pumps and pump parts, and purchasing Bibles to be distributed at the site where work would be done.

With all the pieces in place, today, May 25, 2009, Ed was able to repair the first pump in the village of Kikuyu, near Dodoma. Pastor Paul Sandamu informed Ed of the problems with the pump, adjacent to the local Church of God church building. The pump had apparently been non-operative for 3 months. After collecting the parts, we headed out to Kikuyu.

The repair itself was easy, but it had incapcitated the pump to the point villagers were seeking water sources from traditional methods (i.e. springs, and hand dug wells)


The kids were excited about the pumps and once the water started flowing, they got involved.


Pastor Sandamu prayed over the repaired pump and blessed, as well as assisted in passing out Bibles to those who came. The women came bringing their buckets and were excited to get their own personal copy of the Bible.


This picture said it all, as this "mama" left with her 2 sons, her water, and the "living water".

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kasogayle said...

Thanks for keeping this blog, Debra! I love keeping up with what you and Ed are doing!!!

Unknown said...

Brings tears to my eyes!