Friday, March 5, 2010

Little Things---Big Problems

Ed says that the first question he's going to ask God when he gets to heaven is, "Why do kids feel compelled to put stuff into a hole?"
We have encountered many bore holes which were filled with a variety of things. The bore holes had no covers and offered an open invitation to children to see if the hole could be filled with ANYTHING: rocks, trash, pens, leaves, sand.....and the list goes on.

Upon return to Dodoma, we were asked to return to a village in which we had installed a pump several months ago. It was not working.
I will not go into the mechanics of the well casing, pipes, and rods. But I will tell you, it was a full day's work as we pulled about 120 feet of rods to get the pump out. Then the same length of pipe to see if there were leaks in the pipe. Ed and Lance re-worked the foot valve and pipes then re-installed it.
Not just once, but 3 times.
They finally made the decision to install all new pvc pipe.
The last time the pump was pulled, they noticed a brand new "o-ring" had been destroyed and the culprits which destroyed the "o-ring" were Baobab tree seeds, which kids had put into an opening at the top of the pump. As the water was pumped, the seeds were pulled into the pipe, destroying the "o-ring".
Since this pump was initially installed, a plate has been designed to prevent this from happening. However, it does not get the seeds out of this well.
So, with a little "Ed-gineering", the seeds cannot get into the pipe as the water is pumped.

There are some discussions with a "drilling" friend who has the capabilities of cleaning out some of these bore holes. We look forward to seeing how this all comes about. Rehabilitating these wells, would be more cost effective than drilling new ones.

As for Ed asking God his question......we have laughed knowing that when we are in the presence of the Father, we won't remember one of those questions on our list.
Won't that be a glorious day?
Those little things....will no longer be big problems.
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