Sunday, September 20, 2009

An All Nighter

I wrote about these kids in May in "Come as Children". These are the 4 Sprinkel children and their friend Amelia. Their family has been such a blessing to us since we came to Dodoma. There is not a lot to do for kids in Dodoma. They have climbed every mountain and hiked countless trails. They are dedicated in their ministry in the village of Ntuyka where they play sports and participate in a weekly Bible study in a local school.
I had been promising we would have a sleep over and all night movies some night. The Webb's (the people in whose home we live) have an amazing DVD collection so the Sprinkel's were anxious to watch a few. With Ed traveling the past 2 week, we set the date and told their parents to plan a night out.
We made popcorn, then each made our own individual pizzas, baked cookies.............and ate cookie dough while the cookies were baking.
I went to bed around 2:00 a.m. and when I got up at 6:30 they were still going strong. Their mom cooked breakfast for us at their house and they were fast asleep before we finished our 2nd cup of coffee.
It was great having these kids around.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Lance,

Could you recall drilling a borehole at Assemplies Of God church at the village of Ughandi 'B', Singida Rural, Tanzania. I am a son of one of the elderly you were working with to accomplish this project, he was probably the only one who could communicate in English, he might have acted as a translater too Mr. Orgenes Ng'eni.

I thought you would be interested to have information about the well that you installed. I have been involved in carrying out a number to projects including two Borehole wells at the village... apparently the surveyors too the well away from the part my parents and most relative live.

The pump that you installed have been dead for a number of years now, I was actually was informed that it only functioned for a one or two months and it run dry. And thereafter it could only fill in a one or two buckets on the followed rain season, then it died completely.

When I last visited two weeks ago it was breaking - not due to use but due to having not been working and the load that the pumps holds and some children giving it a one or two bang.

Please let me know, if you have any follow up program, if you would like more discussion on this or what have you.


I have attached my CV if you would like to know more about me.
Abraham Orgenes Ng'eni