Friday, August 28, 2009

Bubble Trouble

When working on water projects, sometimes there are so many people around to help, there is nothing for me to do, but take pictures. There are always children there to see what is going on, so I try and interact with them. Having a bunch of bubble gum did a great job to break the ice with this bunch of kids in the village of N'ghon'hona. My bubble blowing abilities generated lots of laughs, especially when one really big bubble popped on my face. That is not broken veins on my check in the is bubble gum.

My first reaction was to use the bubble gum and dab it around on my face and get it off........but considering all the hands I had shaken earlier, this simply was not an it stayed.

I just could not communicate to these precious children the art of blowing a bubble. One little girl caught on to the "stretchiness" of the gum and before we knew it everyone had their gum stretching it as far as it would go.
I can still hear Mama scolding me for doing this.

This brought back so many fun memories of blowing bubbles, popping them, getting the gum out of my hair, off my face, and going to sleep with it in my mouth only to find it my hair the next morning.

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