Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lubbock Team--Servant's Hearts

We have anticipated the arrival of an OMEGA team from our home church (Aldersgate) in Lubbock, since the first of the year. Lori, a dear friend, lead the team of 5 and arrived July 26. After the long drive from Dar Es Salaam to Dodoma, the team was ready to get to work constructing a roof for a facility which is the program headquarters for the Safina Street Children's Ministry in Dodoma.

Ed and one of the director's of the program had already transported materials when the team arrived, but there was still more "transporting" to be done to get the boards to the second story where construction of the trusses would be done.

At noon, the team took a break and served lunch to approximately 60 boys.

After work finished, the team wanted to get a look at some of the "hot shopping spots" in Dodoma.

This was just the first day............stay tuned for more updates!!!!

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1 comment:

Mrs. Joyce said...

Cute people! I'm so behind with blogs. Happy Anniversary! And amazing lion!
I received some awesome photos from the Richters in Burkina Faso of women gathering water. Thought about you. Much love....